Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Less than helpful......

Talked to the OB/GYN office yesterday for what it was worth. The aide told me (even after I told her that I am on many incompatible meds) that since I got a negative test not to worry until I have missed 2 cycles, so now I am just waiting, again. And stressing out mildly that if I am pregnant what harm is being done because of the meds that I am taking. I am anxious almost all the time now, so those meds aren't working any more anyway. The holidays are coming so I am stressing out about that, my main goal this is to put up the tree and decorate it- we got some new ornaments for our three angels- actually dh found them and told me that I could get them if I put names on them- so as soon as I got home I got the puffy paints out and wrote their names on the angel wings. I am happy but nervous all at the same time, trying not to get my hopes up so that they won't be destroyed if my cycle suddenly starts or if something else happens. But being this late it is hard not to think about the what ifs.

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